


Jumat, 27 September 2019

Membuat CRUD sederhana menggunakan PHP native dengan mySQL

07.57 0
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu,

Halo sobat kali ini saya akan share beberapa tutorial membuat CRUD sederhana menggunakan PHP 7 tanpa framework atau yang biasa kita sebut native dan menggunakan mySQL sebagai database.

Sebelum kita masuk ke tutorial lebih baik kita berdoa dulu semoga bisa lancar tanpa ada erorr hehehhehehe. Berdoa di mulai ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Mari kita siapkan bahan untuk di gunakan tempur sobat..
2. Code Editor disini saya menggunakan VSCode
3. Mental keberanian juga eror jangan patah semangat.

Pertama mari kita membuat folder di htdocs caranya jika di windows
C->xampp->htdocs->nama folder.

jika menggunakan linux di
opt->lampp->htdocs->nama folder

1. nah nama folder tersebut akan menjadi nama project kita, disini saya menamakanya 'datamahasiswa'

kebetulan saya disini menggunakan linux, ohiya sebelumnya beri hak akses dulu kalau saya dengan cara klik kanan lalu open terminal ketik perintah sudo chmod 777 datamahasiswa supaya nanti bisa membuat file di folder tersebut.

2. buka xampp/
jika di windwos tinggal buka start cari xampp control panel lalu jalankan apache dan mysql.
jika di linux saya menggunaka perintah sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

3. buka code editor kita.
disini saya menggunakan visual studio code. pilih file lalu cari add folder to workspace. nah disitu kita cari folder yang kita buat di htdocs tadi.

4. sebelum kita membuat file dan ngoding kita buat dulu db/databasenya
buka browser ketikan 'localhost/phpmyadmin'

maka seperti itu tampilanya.
kita pilih new lalu berikan nama database kita 'db_mahasiswa' kemudian kita oke dan beri nama tabel kita data_mahasiswa.
kemudian kita isikan tabelnya sebagai berikut

isikan sama seperti berikut seperti id-created

5. kemudian sebelum ngoding kita download dulu boostrap supaya tampilanya menarik.

ketkia sudah download kita copykan isinya ke folder yang kita buat di htdocs tadi yang kita beri nama datamahasiswa kemudian kita membuat folder assets kita membuat folder css kemudian copykan yang file berformat CSS.
lalu kita balik ke folder aseest kita buat folder baru yaitu js kita copykaan kembali file-file tersebut. jadi dengan demikian kita mempunyai assets yaitu CSS dan js

6. kembali ke code editor kita di workspace datamahasiswa kita buat file dengan di beri nama index.html kemudian ketik code berikut

kalau bingung nulisnya bagaimana liat saja penggalan perbarisnya.

7. setelah selesai kita membuat tampilan awal kita hubungkan dahulu ke database caranya
buat folder config kemudian buat file koneksi.php lalu ketikan code berikut.

kemudian kita membuat script untuk memperoses edit nanti. kita buat file dengan nama proses_edit.php
kemudian ketikan kode berikut

8. setelah itu kita buat tampilan tambahnya dengan cara buat folder page lalu buat file dengan nama add.php

setelah itu kita buat file edit.php dan ketikan kode berikut

9. sebenarnya sudah selesai tetapi kita percantik sedikit lagi dengan cara buat file style.css di folder css yang berada di assets lalu ketikan

kemudian sama dengan js juga kita buat file script.js di folder js yang ada di assets ketikan kode

10. jalankan program dengan cara buka browser ketik localhost/datamahasiswa(nama folder di htdocs)

Kamis, 04 Januari 2018

Tugas UAS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 (Hero and wingless angel guard his two sons)

07.08 0
Hero and wingless angel guard his two sons

Family? Father, mother and brother. Have a family is a blessing to be grateful for. Why? Because my family, where I can gather, play, sad, happy, etc. together. The point where I had to position myself as a child. Staying at home and my simple family should be grateful to be together. My family counted four of my brothers, my mother and my father. I as the first son of men should protect my family if the father of the mother is old and my brother. I really love my family. Yes though our family is small, we love each other and protect.

I have a man who is a hero, yes it is my father. He has short black hair and has brown eyes and her skin is also brown. My father is 40 years old and he is the one who always teaches the good and the desire to worship. I am proud of him, who is a hard work hero for the family. He spent more time with my younger brother, because I was too quiet in the family but stayed together and keep them.

There is one winges angellike woman in my house, and has a very good and patient conscience toward me, brother and father. I call her Mother. my mother is the same age with my father that is 40 years only different one month with father. Mother is just a Houseworker, so who else if not the mother who takes care of and clean the house? Mother always patient with her children and also father. but sometimes an emotional mother if one of her children makes a mistake. Mother who loves her child selflessly. He will never be replac by others and will not be rivaled by anyone.

The latter. There is a small hero in my house. My brother, name is Ardi Faturrahman Hakim, he is 11 years old and is study in grade 5 elementary school. My Brother is fat. he likes to eat and watch youtube. His ambition is to be a machinist, Adiku the most fussy person dikeluarga, while eating alone he is still much to tell. He is always joking with the father of the mother, who can be entertainment for father and mother. Though annoying, but I always love him and keep him.

That's how little my family picture, my Father hero, my mother an angelless wing, and an adult who can make me spirit. I really love them so much. As a first child I must to succes and take care of them. I wish we could join the world also hereafter.

Ari Abdurrahman Ghufron
NIM 17090125
Kelas 1A

Minggu, 05 November 2017

Tugas 4

05.20 0
Perangkat Keras Penyimpanan

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Tugas 3

05.10 0
Perangkat Lunak (software) Komputer

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Tugas 2

04.51 0


Selamat menikmati ....


Tugas 1

01.30 0

Modul 1 Alpro

01.20 0

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